Protect Your Most Important Information

Protect Your Most Important Information

Fraudsters use email more than any other tactic to hack into your computer system. Look closely at the address where that “important” email came from. Crooks send phony email messages to millions of people just like you every day, usually with urgent instructions or...
Simple iPhone Tricks and Tips!

Simple iPhone Tricks and Tips!

This post is all about saving time on your iPhone while typing. Recently, people have discovered a really useful trick for editing blocks of text while you’re typing on an iPhone. The main tip here is how to scroll through the text you’re writing, to edit and make...
Computer Shortcuts You Should Use

Computer Shortcuts You Should Use

Here are some common computer shortcuts to help you save time and effort when using a PC computer. Note that these shortcuts are different for Apple computers. Here’s a list of the basic shortcuts you can learn right now to help you complete simple tasks!For all of...